Cengage Learning partners with dti Publishing

Cengage Learning partners with dti Publishing to release its certification series in the IT_LabWorks virtual corporate world. Support tecnicians and Network engineers to be will “work” at the virtual Bonanza Mining Corporation’s IT department and learn on the job – Their virtual job. The first product released in early 2015.

We are now piloting IT_LabWorks™

The new frontier in IT Education & Training!   Virtual worlds are rapidly becoming part of the educational technology landscape. The IT_LabWorks™ platform is the most comprehensive of these environments for IT training and certification preparation. The first titles on this new platform are A+ 220-801 & 220-802 which are available now. Next title in line …

What’s New for 2014?

We are preparing for the launch of our whole new virtual world: IT_LabWorks™ and the Bonanza Mining Corporation. The IT_LabWorks™ platform is the world’s leading adaptive learning technology solution with the mission of bringing personalized IT education and training to the world. The IT_LabWorks™ platform makes it possible to build interactive course in a virtual environment that provide real-time proficiency …

LabConnection 3.0

We are preparing the launch of LabConnection 3.0! The release is scheduled for the fall and will include, among other features, the seamless integration of ExamConnection into the LabConnection 3.0 platform. This means that both the assessment and the virtual lab results will live under one account!